Trevor Boyer
2 months ago
Thanks for the feedback, Joe! When a humidor entry is smoked using the "smoke now" button from the virtual humidor view, it will automatically decrease the number of entries in that humidor until it reaches 0, at which point it should be removed. You will see an alert saying "This is your last (cigar)..." when this is the case.
The caveat here is that if you choose "smoke now" from the cigar detail page instead of a humidor, directly, the software does not know that the cigar is specifically part of a humidor. An example of this would that you have a certain cigar in one of your humidors and you happen to buy and smoke that same cigar in a lounge. You want to add smoke session notes for the new cigar you picked up, not the one you have at home in your humidor. Therefore, it should not be automatically removed. This is something that will probably be improved in the future - giving you the option to choose whether it's one from your humidor or not. Hope this makes sense! Thanks again for the feedback and support.
Joe Softley
2 months ago
Hi Trevor, this doesnt seem to work on my phone... I complete smoke session from humidor, and the number of cigars stays the same...
Trevor Boyer
2 months ago
I've been unable to reproduce this issue, Joe. I do apologize for the inconvenience. I'd be happy to give you early access to version 2.0 so I can get any issues patched up if there still are any. It's a complete redesign, so many "glitchy" issues like that have been significantly improved.
Joe Softley
2 months ago
Yes that'd be great
Joe Softley
2 months ago
Would it make sense for a cigar to be removed from your humidor automatically once you've hit the "smoke now" button and logged the smoke session?