from a conversation



Ash Lap

2 quarters ago

I don't like the "gift from a friend" only works if the person is a user. I'd rather be able to type their name.
- I'd like to see a location in the humidor option. i.e shelf 1, shelf 2
- I don't see where your "smoked" cigars go. If I smoke a cigar, and I want to see who gifted it to me or see a list of cigars I smoked and how I rated them, how do I do that. I assume there is a way, but at quick glance its not obvious.
- I don't see where I can find a list of my favorite cigars. This is probably part of the last one where I can't find my smoked list



Trevor Boyer

2 quarters ago

Thanks for the suggestions! The "gift from friend" option has been updated internally to allow non-Boxpressd users. It will be available in version 2.0.

One way to include the location, such as shelf 1, shelf 2 etc would be to add this as a note. We'll discuss this internally as a possible standalone feature in the future.

Your "smoked" cigars are located under your Profile > Recent Cigars. You can filter by rating and other sort options and view your smoke session notes by clicking/tapping on an entry. Favorites are also located from your profile and can additionally be found under Saved Items from the main menu and choosing "Favorites" from the dropdown (All).


Trevor Boyer changed the status to Completed

2 quarters ago


Trevor Boyer changed the status to Closed

2 quarters ago

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