Trevor Boyer
2 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion, Alex! That sounds like a great idea. We'll talk about it internally and come up with a way to include that functionality.
Trevor Boyer changed the status to In Progress
4 quarters ago
Trevor Boyer
3 quarters ago
This has been completed and will be part of our version 2.0 release of Boxpressd Social. We have also update how "Lists" work to allow custom collections that would be similar to a gift registry that you can share with friends/family. This feature will be available in both Boxpressd Social and Boxpressd Shop.
Trevor Boyer changed the status to Completed
3 quarters ago
Alex Sistowicz
2 years ago
Being able to select the size for favorites instead of just the line/blend would be nice. Would love to be able to make a specific list of favorite blend/sizes that I could screenshot or send to someone when they are looking to buy me sticks.